SiteIT: VR Training for Prisoner Employability in Construction
Training/ Education
Key takeaways
NIACRO focuses on rehabilitating offenders through meaningful employment, particularly through the Working Well Programme at HMP Maghaberry, supporting around 500 individuals annually. Many prisoners lack essential skills, with statistics showing low literacy and numeracy levels, hindering their employability. Despite this, there's a desire among prisoners to pursue construction work, necessitating training for a Construction Skills Register (CSR) Card.
Traditional CSR training, classroom-based and academic, doesn't suit prisoners with low academic levels. NIACRO sought a more engaging approach, combining technology and work experience. Their solution, SiteIT, is a software platform delivering immersive learning experiences, designed for offline use in prisons. Virtual Reality (VR), specifically Oculus Quest, was chosen for its engagement potential.
SiteIT offers VR training for Level 1 Health & Safety in construction environments. Prisoners learn key safety principles in realistic VR scenarios, enhancing their skills and motivation. The program, developed with guidance from CITB NI, replicates construction sites and tasks, providing a 'real' work experience.
Performance data from training sessions is collected and analyzed using a cloud-based web application, aiding in monitoring and evaluation. SiteIT provides an engaging, realistic tool for prisoners, increasing their motivation and employability. It aims to reduce re-offending rates by preparing prisoners for meaningful employment, benefiting both individuals and employers in the construction industry.
SiteIT transforms vocational learning, offering immersive experiences and measuring progress against industry standards. VR proves an effective medium for engaging prisoners and enhancing their skills, potentially revolutionizing vocational training.